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How to help

This project is closed. Thanks to all of our volunteers and Messangers!

Officially our bottle collection phase is closing down on March 21. If you have been collecting and need to schedule a pick-up or drop off, please contact us via email or give us a call. We are thankful to everyone who served as our Messengers to get the word out and collect bottles. It was not an easy task, especially drying out the bottles! Right now you can help by Liking our Facebook Page and staying tuned as we make progress on the installation. We also want to see you and your friends at our opening, scheduled for May 2 during May Art Walk downtown. Come by and introduce yourself and take a look at the wall you helped to build.


Your help is needed as a messenger, someone who can take this idea, explain it to others, and inspire them to collect bottles from people they know.  The success of this project depends on connections with groups of people at companies, churches, schools, and other organizations. As an individual you can contribute one bottle, but you can also ask 5 or 10 friends to prepare a bottle, and they can ask their friends and so on. We are asking you to spread the word.

We also need volunteers to:

– deliver receptacles and bags to pick-up locations
– collect bottles from pick-up locations and deliver to our studio for processing
– find or start groups who can collect bottles from their members
– spread the word

If you have a group and would like to help spread the message and collect completed bottles, we can provide posters, receptacles, bags, and arrange pick-up of bottles. Or it would be great if you could take care of all of that and bring us your collection. We will recognize your group on our site.

If you are interested in helping us, please contact us at or call (904) 701-8182

Resources (PDF files)

Project description – a one sheet description of the project that you can copy and hand out. Message In A Bottle description PDF

Word Cloud – the word cloud as it appeared on the site on 11/16/2011. Word Cloud PDF

Instruction sheet – detailed procedure of preparing a message and bottle (it’s really not that hard). Hand out to other group leaders or post it near the receptacle. MIB instructions PDF

Business card template – print these so you have the website and email to hand out. MIB_business card

Receptacle sign – simplified instructions to place near a collection area. MIB Receptacle_8-5×11 PDF

Posters – print these to spread the word MIB 5 posters PDF